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Feedback Form

I would very much appreciate it if you could fill out this short form so I can improve my service for the future. Thank you!


Leave a Testimonial

Sarah listened to me effectively
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNot SureAgreeStrongly Agree
Sarah understood things from my point of view
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNot SureAgreeStrongly Agree
I did not feel judged by Sarah
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNot SureAgreeStrongly Agree
Therapy sessions felt safe
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNot SureAgreeStrongly Agree
Sarah helped me with the issues that led me to counselling
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNot SureAgreeStrongly Agree
The amount I pay for counselling is a reasonable price
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNot SureAgreeStrongly Agree
Applies only to face-to face sessions: The room felt warm and comfortable.
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNot SureAgreeStrongly Agree
The use of website and/or booking services was quick and easy
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNot SureAgreeStrongly Agree
I would reccomend Sarah to others
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNot SureAgreeStrongly Agree
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